Watercolour signed H. Stacquet "Marine". Stitched. 36x52 cm
Watercolour signed H. Stacquet "Marine". Stitched. 36x52 cm
Watercolour signed Scauflaire "Elégante et soubrette". Dated 1932. 35x25 cm
Watercolour signed Léon Claessens "Thawing in Chevron". 50x70 cm
Watercolour signed "Canal in Flanders". 54x40 cm
Watercolour signed Loujan "Les saules". 27x39 cm
Watercolour signed F. Rousseau "Landscape". 20x29 cm
Watercolour signed Lode Matthijs "The reservoir". Restoration. Dated 46. 48x60 cm
Watercolour signed Jos Vreul "Les fagotières". Dated Spa, 1908. 25x31 cm
Watercolour signed P. Daxhelet "Entrance to the market in Tenerife". 24x33 cm
Watercolour, grease pencil and pastel highlights on paper signed Georges Le Brun "Houses in Spixhe". Dated 1913. On the reverse, exhibition label at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Ixelles in 1975-1976. Bibliography: Georges Le Brun, maître de l'intime, Musée Félicien Rops, Liénart, 2015, p. 93. 60x90 cm