40 reviews Selection "Chronique de la vie artistique". 2nd series n°9-10 15/12/1922, illustrated soft cover pp225-312 very good condition Contains articles by Paul Westheim - P.G. Van Hecke - André De Ridder - André Lhote New series 3rd year 1923-1924 From n°1 November 1923 to 10 August 1924, 10 issues 4th year 1924-1925 From n°1 October 1924 to n°10, 10 issues (4th cover of n°10 is missing) 5th year 1925-1926 From n°1 October 1925 to n°10 July 1926, 10 issues (n°8 dedicated to "enquete sur la jeune peinture française"). 6th year 1926-1927 from n° 1 to 10, 9 issues (n° 7 special novel with 4 essays by Gille Anthelme, Leon Duesberg, Robert Mathy and Georges Thialet drawings by Henvaux-Bourdon ; original wood by G.H. Wolff) (n°8-9 in the same issue) Articles by : André de Ridder - Paul Neuhuys - Georges Marlier - Georges Thialet - Waldemar Georges - Gille Anthelme - Max Jacob - PG van Hecke- Jean Costeau - Henry de Montherlant - Paul Fierens- Pierre Mac Orlan - Erik Satie - Franc !s Gérard - Jean Mollet - Léon Duesberg - Robert Poulet - Tristan Tzara - Bontempelli - Daniel Rops- Pierre Morhange - Jan Milo - Armand Salacrou - Franz Hellens - E. Tériade- Lucien François- Pierre Courthion- Book reviews by Léon Duesberg - Georges Marlier, Paul Neuhuys - Georges Thialet Exhibition / music / cinema / architecture reviews Important Belgian and French avant-garde review, with numerous illustrations and photographic reproductions of contemporary artists, in-8° stapled printed soft covers. Interiors more stable. Restoration, reinforcement of papers possible with water glue