Alexis Remy-Paquay - Photographer

Alexis Remy-Paquay grew up in his home town of Verviers, where he spent his entire youth and completed his secondary education. He went on to study medicine in Namur and Brussels, later specialising in paediatrics.
With an early awareness of art, initially through painting, he gradually turned to photography, exploring both film and digital, finding a way to put his theoretical knowledge into practice. Fascinated by capturing the moment, he likes to appropriate and interpret moments, working in the immediate, varying the play of light and depth.
For the past ten years, Alexis Remy-Paquay has been exploring photography in a self-taught way, favouring a trial-and-error approach. His technique is oriented towards black and white, for the light that cuts through, sublimates and deepens the shadows and nuances, and for the vitality of the features.
His inspirations include the leading artists of black and white photography, mainly street and war photographers, working in action. These include Abbas, Elliott Erwitt, Robert Doisneau, Ursula Schulz-Donnburg, Sebastião Salgado and Graciela Iturbide.
Alexis Remy-Paquay works out of passion, for himself, and has never before shown his work to the general public. Galerie HVL is delighted to be organising the young photographer's very first gallery exhibition.
Over twenty photographs, all in black and white, will be on show.
Alexis Remy-Paquay's exhibition, entitled 'Magical Realism', will take you on a journey to the lands of Central and South America.