Pair of cast iron cephalomorphic andirons. 16th century. Length: 50 cm
Pair of cast iron cephalomorphic andirons. 16th century. Length: 50 cm
Circular cooking grill in wrought iron. D: 39 cm
Brass and wrought iron hearth tongs and shovel. 17th century. L max: 96 cm
Wrought iron cooking grill. 17th century. L : 71 cm, W : 26 cm
Saint-Empire germanique" cast iron contrecour (taque). 65x75 cm
Bone and steel master corkscrew. Germany. Height: 6 cm
Wooden, brass and wrought iron spice mill. Height: 17 cm
Pewter dish engraved with a double-headed eagle. Anno 1781. D : 38 cm
Dish engraved with a count's crown and the arms of Villegas de Saint-Pierre joined to the arms of Van der Laen. Anno 1784. D : 42 cm
Pewter dish depicting Adam and Eve. D: 35 cm