Watercolour signed Litt. H "Still life with cherry pie". 36x52 cm
Watercolour signed Litt. H "Still life with cherry pie". 36x52 cm
Watercolour signed Litt. H "Still life with apples". 35x49 cm
Watercolour signed Frantz Charlet "Around the table". 36x26 cm
Wash signed M. Hoirenne "House in Manderfeld". Dated 31. 14.5x22 cm
Watercolour signed Litt. H "Still life with croissants". 35x25 cm
Watercolour signed Ferd. Coenraets. "Animated undergrowth". 48x28 cm
Watercolour signed Downing "Composition". 25x32 cm
Watercolour signed Jean Donnay "Landscape". 18x23 cm
Watercolour signed Eva Herbiet "Landscape". 52x38 cm
Watercolour signed P. Daxhelet "Water skiing". 71x47 cm